Archive for September, 2018


D&D Mimics!

A real quick one here, some Mimic creatures from D&D painted to level 3 quality.



This special Necromunda commission. Mad Donna Unlanti was to be painted in a specific colour scheme. It was painted to level 4 quality with the Australian Gold and Yellow sport colours and a blue Southern Cross starred chain sword.


Ultramarine Predators

These Predators are the last of the vehicles of the large Ultramarines Commission that you have seen being painted over the past several months. Again these were painted to level 4 quality. Most of the blue colouring were airbrushed with all the detail works painted with brush.


3D Printed D&D Miniatures

These 3D printed miniatures were supplied by the client. They were to be painted to level 4 quality following a particular colour scheme that represent the clients characters in his RPG game.


Stormcast Eternals

These Stormcast Eternals from the Warhammer Underworld Shadespires were painted to level 4 quality.


Kingdom Death Resin Miniatures

This Kingdom Death commission contains the resin version of these Kingdom Death Monster miniatures. They were painted to our level 5 quality which contains non-metal metallics ans object source lighting. Kings Hand Sunstalker Butcher